Some of our users are residing in areas with very slow or/and metered internet connection, so the amount of data transferred is very important to them. And since web servers do support data compression, enabling it can certainly improve the situation for such users.

Web servers compression

We took IIS, Apache and NGINX and ran some tests to see how compression is configured in each of them and to compare how well do they do it.


The tests were performed on Windows (IIS, Apache and NGINX) and on Linux (Apache and NGINX) servers. The servers hardware was pretty much the same (virtual machines with similar configuration).

The web servers were ran one after another, being binded to the same 80 port.



  • Windows 10.0.17763.1369
    • IIS 10.0.17763.1
    • Apache 2.4.46
    • NGINX 1.18.0
  • NTFS


  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
    • Apache 2.4.29
    • NGINX 1.19.1
  • ext4


The data for tests was a web application with Emscripten/WASM and binary data (3D visualization scene and models), 876 MB in total.


  • Windows 10.0.18363.997
    • Microsoft Edge Dev 86.0.594.1
      • caching was disabled
      • the page was reloaded for every test with “Empty Cache and Hard Refresh” option

How to enable compression


In IIS Manager select the website you want to enable compression for (or just the Default Web Site), open Compression item and check Enable static content compression.

Now open Configuration Editor and edit the following sections there.

Section system.webServer/serverRuntime:

IIS Manager, serverRuntime
  • click the Unlock Section
  • set frequentHitThreshold to 1. This turned out to be an important setting as with values above 1 the IIS will be trying to be clever and compress only the responses he thinks are for frequent enough requests
  • change frequentHitTimePeriod from 00:00:10 to something like 10000.00:00:00 (but perhaps setting frequentHitThreshold to 1 is enough)

Section system.webServer/httpCompression:

IIS Manager, httpCompression
  • increase the maxDiskSpaceUsage, as the default value of 100 MB is way too small when you expect to serve more than 800 MB. As I understood, that is the space that IIS will be using for storing already compressed data (there will be more information about this later)
  • change staticCompressionIgnoreHitFrequency from False to True
  • add application/octet-stream and application/wasm to staticTypes

The same configuration can be set directly in the root web.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" />
        <serverRuntime frequentHitThreshold="1" frequentHitTimePeriod="10000.00:00:00" />
        <httpCompression maxDiskSpaceUsage="10000" staticCompressionIgnoreHitFrequency="true" staticCompressionEnableCpuUsage="90">
                <add mimeType="application/octet-stream" enabled="true" />
                <add mimeType="application/wasm" enabled="true" />


Edit the config (c:\path\to\apache\conf\httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/apache2.conf):

# ...

# most likely you'll need to enable these modules only on Windows,
# as on Linux they will be enabled by default
LoadModule deflate_module modules/
LoadModule filter_module modules/

# ...

<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
  DeflateCompressionLevel 6
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/wasm
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/octet-stream


Edit the config (c:\path\to\nginx\conf\nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/nginx.conf):

# ...

worker_processes 4;

# ...

http {

    # ...

    gzip on;
    gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss application/wasm application/octet-stream;
    gzip_min_length 10240;
    gzip_comp_level 6;
    gzip_buffers 16 8k;
    #gzip_proxied no-cache no-store private expired auth;
    #gzip_vary on;

    # ...

And mime.types just in case:

# ...

types {
    text/html            html htm shtml;
    text/css             css;
    # ...                ...
    application/wasm     wasm;

Testing web servers

Here’s how the tests were ran. The web application was reloaded 5 times first with no compression enabled on web server, and then again reloaded 5 times but this time with compression enabled on web server.

The following things were measured:

  • total amount of data transferred
  • the time to load the page and all the associated data (all the 3D models on the scene)
  • the CPU utilization during compression

Just in case, here’s a screenshot of testing in progress:

HTTP requests in Edge Developer tools

And here goes a single request for binary data:

HTTPS request details in Edge Developer tools

About compression level

Naturally, you will face a tradeoff between compression ratio and compression time. This is controlled by the compression level: the higher the level, the smaller will be the transferred data, but also the longer it will take to serve the data (though it also depends on the connection speed, the amount of files and the latency) and the higher will be the CPU utilization.

The latter you should definitely keep in mind, as on higher compression levels the CPU load will be very significant, especially when you have a lot of connected clients, and every request needs to be compressed “on the fly”.

So if you only care about minimizing the transferred data, then you should try setting higher compression levels. But if the application load time and server performance are more important, then you should lower the compression level.

While with NGINX and Apache compression level values are fairly easy to find and change, in case of IIS it is a bit more complicated.




No compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 876/876 10.79
test #2 1683 876/876 10.72
test #3 1683 876/876 11.05
test #4 1683 876/876 11.04
test #5 1683 876/876 11.11
With compression

IIS turned out to be smart enough to store already compressed data for future use, so on first request the data is compressed, but all the consequent requests get already compressed data from the first request! That helps with the load time dramatically and saves a lot of CPU utilization.

You can check it yourself - find the folder specified in system.webServer/httpCompression/directory parameter (default value should be %SystemDrive%\inetpub\temp\IIS Temporary Compressed Files) and watch its contents.

So with IIS the tests were ran twice, in the following manner.

First with clearing the folder with pre-compressed data and restarting the website after each full page load:

Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 298/876 38.26
test #2 1683 300/876 34.37
test #3 1683 299/876 33.51
test #4 1683 300/876 33.58
test #5 1683 300/876 33.31

CPU usage was around 85%.

And then with generating pre-compressing the data on the first load and taking measurements with pre-compressed data:

Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 298/876 9.50
test #2 1682 298/876 9.63
test #3 1683 298/876 9.79
test #4 1682 298/876 9.91
test #5 1683 298/876 9.62

No CPU utilization was observed.


No compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 876/876 11.20
test #2 1683 876/876 11.15
test #3 1683 876/876 11.28
test #4 1683 876/876 11.26
test #5 1683 876/876 11.29
With compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 306/876 21.29
test #2 1683 306/876 21.83
test #3 1683 306/876 21.87
test #4 1683 306/876 22.19
test #5 1683 306/876 21.52

CPU usage was around 82%.


No compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1682 876/876 12.08
test #2 1683 876/876 11.40
test #3 1683 876/876 11.50
test #4 1683 876/876 11.75
test #5 1683 876/876 11.52
With compression

Surprisingly, 1 worker or 4 workers didn’t make any difference (you’ll see why that’s important later in the Linux tests).

Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 298/876 56.89
test #2 1683 298/876 57.90
test #3 1683 298/876 56.91
test #4 1683 298/876 57.51
test #5 1683 298/876 57.47

And CPU usage was around 28%. That is also very different from what you’ll see later on Linux.



No compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 874/876 10.63
test #2 1683 874/876 10.66
test #3 1683 874/876 10.56
test #4 1683 874/876 10.31
test #5 1683 874/876 10.74

I have no idea where 2 MB (874/876) went to, but that’s what browser reported to me.

With compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 306/876 18.91
test #2 1683 306/876 19.16
test #3 1683 306/876 18.93
test #4 1683 306/876 18.99
test #5 1683 306/876 18.69

CPU load was about 75%.


No compression
Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1682 876/876 10.47
test #2 1683 876/876 11.14
test #3 1683 876/876 10.92
test #4 1683 876/876 11.13
test #5 1683 876/876 10.74
With compression

And here comes the difference with Windows. In case of 1 worker, the CPU load is 100% and the results are:

Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 298/876 49.69
test #2 1683 298/876 49.42
test #3 1683 298/876 49.85
test #4 1683 298/876 49.49
test #5 1683 298/876 49.25

And with 4 workers the CPU load is 75% and the results are:

Requests Transferred, MB Loading time, sec
test #1 1683 298/876 18.94
test #2 1683 298/876 19.10
test #3 1683 298/876 18.68
test #4 1683 298/876 19.49
test #5 1683 298/876 18.31

So either there is a bug with NGINX workers on Windows, or it’s either of the two.


Here’s the final table with everything in one place:

Platform Web server No compression, sec With compression, sec Transferred, MB CPU utilization
Windows IIS 10.94 9.69 298 -
Windows Apache 11.24 21.74 306 82%
Windows NGINX 11.65 57.34 298 28%
Linux Apache 10.58 18.94 306 75%
Linux NGINX 10.88 18.90 298 75%

As it turns out, on Windows IIS provides the best results - simply because it compresses the data only once, on first request, and then all the consequent requests get already pre-compressed data, so you have everything: minimal amount of transferred data, faster loading and barely any CPU utilization.

Neither NGINX nor Apache have this, as they compress the data “on the fly” for every request and do not store and re-use already compressed data from previous requests. Even though it is certainly possible to manually compress the data beforehand, that would require some additional effort and further configuration tweaking, while with IIS the whole thing “just works” almost out of the box.

On Linux platform, however, IIS is not present, so the choice is between NGINX and Apache. From the tests results above NGINX has shown a bit higher compression ratio, so if you are after minimizing the transferred data, NGINX might be a better choice for bigger datasets, though I guess the only way to say for sure is by performing your own tests with your particular data.